The time has finally come for a new year! Hopes, dreams, and expectations of all kind flow through our minds while we try to visualize a better future for 2025. Be it emotional, spiritual, or monetary, our new year resolutions may serve as guidelines for an improvement in our objectives for next year.

One of the most recurrent goals has to do with an improvement in our body shape and workout plans. There is no question that including some nutritional supplement may make the whole process easier to follow. In this new blog entry we will analyze the different ways in which creatine can help you achieve your fitness targets for 2025.


a quick reminder about creatine

Creatine is a naturally produced molecule which is transported to the muscles through the bloodstream. An adult human body produces an average of 1 gram of creatine per day, while the rest is obtained through our diet.

The active form of creatine, called phosphocreatine, helps the formation of adenosine triphosphate. Commonly referred to as ATP, it is a key molecule used by your cells for energy and other basic life functions.

ATP is broken down during exercise to produce energy. Creatine increases your phosphocreatine stores, allowing your body to produce more ATP energy to fuel your muscles during high-intensity exercise, helping you perform at the peak of your capacity.

Easy, right? Now let’s get – for real – into creatine and your new year resolutions.

how about a new diet routine?

If you’re anything like us, the perspective of acquiring new dieting habits is always on the horizon when a new year starts. An improvement in our food quality and a more balanced nutrient intake is surely one of the top new year resolutions for most people.

So, how can creatine make it better? The properties of creatine make it an ideal complement for many of the most popular diets. Let’s check out a few examples.

dieting with creatine

For instance, in you are a vegan or a vegetarian, you will probably have lower levels of creatine in the muscles and the blood in comparison with meat eaters. Creatine supplementation will help you increase your potentially low vitamin B12 and creatine stores, boosting your body mass and strength, while providing additional cognitive benefits.

In case you have taken a Paleo-diet approach to your nutrition, your protein intake is probably very high. As long as the daily recommended creatine dosage of 3-5 grams a day is respected, its supplementation is perfectly compatible.

Another common diet approach is intermittent fasting. In this case, the big question is – does creatine break the fast? Fortunately, the answer is no. Creatine contains no calories and will not cause a spike in insulin derived from glucose, so its intake is perfectly valid.

Moreover, creatine also combines well with low carb diets, given that this supplementation lowers triglycerides and can reduce fat accumulation in the liver. Last but not least, no negative effects have been observed when combining Mediterranean diet and creatine supplementation either. However, if you wish to expand the information regarding creatine and diets, don’t hesitate to check out this article.


We all know this part by heart – diet plus exercise is the key formula for optimal physical well-being. We have covered the diet part, but what about the different ways we can exercise our body? Let’s see how creatine may improve a series of physical activities you may decide to take up this new year!


Among your new year resolutions there may be the practice of a new sport. If your choice for 2025 is cycling, you may be interested in knowing that even offseason training can benefit from creatine due to its effects on muscle mass and strength. Both ATP stores recovery and maximal sprints are directly improved by creatine supplementation. If you prefer swimming, science leaves no doubt about the positive effects of creatine in strength training, muscle mass and increased recovery.

How about basketball? In that case, creatine improves performance during bouts of high-intensity training, positively affecting single and consecutive sprinting, vertical jump, overall speed and dribbling, shooting, passing, or blocking. Additionally, anaerobic performance and resistance are just a few of the different skills in which soccer players can benefit from creatine supplementation.

Still, these are just a few examples. You can learn more about these instances and expand it further to other sports like rugby, hockey, and baseball in this article and this other one.


If you’re not a big fan of regular sports, there are so many other options to keep your body fit starting now. These different routines include sprinting, resistance running, bulking, and heavylifting. In all these cases, creatine has revealed itself as an excellent supplementation.

Creatine allows your body to endure peak performance for longer periods of time without feeling fatigue by increasing your lactate threshold. It also helps boost performance and restore cell health through the increase of glycogen stores. Moreover, creatine can enhance your exercise execution by lowering your body’s oxygen demand during resistance workout. 


Among the most popular workout disciplines we can find CrossFit, a fitness program centered on training and nutrition that has been adopted by millions as a fundamental part of their fitness program.

Since creatine keeps ATP systems running to enhance performance in real-time, it buffers the development of lactic acid and allows for longer workouts, fundamentally increasing cardiovascular endurance. Furthermore, creatine has proved to be an all-around beneficial supplement regarding muscle endurance and strength, lean muscle mass and muscle growth.

Similarly, the role of creatine in the promotion of muscle mass creation works directly towards improving short and intense workout. Creatine helps increase the production of IGF-1, a key hormone for muscle growth. This creation of new muscle mass aids the reduction of muscle breakdown during exercise, helping generate a greater amount of muscle in the long-term. 


This is it for creatine and your new year resolutions! As you can see, the unique properties of creatine are something you can count on whatever your goals for this new year are. Whether you want to improve your diet and nutrition routines, or if you want to take up new physical challenges, creatine supplementation won’t let you down.

Regarding the different formulas in which it is presented, we would recommend one is that which contains both creatine monohydrate and phosphocreatine — about which you can learn more in this article.

This makes the exclusive formula of Clonapure® the one product in the market that gives you immediate energy for your muscles, translating into more energy, shorter recoveries and better overall performance. Clonapure® is manufactured in a GMP site and has had its purity and quality consistently verified through continuous testing (HPLC). Do you want to give Clonapure® a go? This is the place!




Have you ever heard of an athlete or sportsperson who is not familiar with creatine? This popular nutritional supplementation holds its place as one of

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